English Level:
Intermediate / easy
Content Warning:
accent, war, discussion of violence
I have chosen not to include the definitions here to give you the opportunity to find the information yourself. The information you find this way will stay with you longer. Please take the time to find out the meaning of the vocabulary.
bomb shelter
chill (idiomatic expression)
Russo-Ukrainian War
These warmup questions are intended to introduce you to the topic
- Why are people living in bomb shelters in Ukraine?
- When did Russia invade Ukraine?
- Why did Russia invade Ukraine?
- How would it feel to live in a bomb shelter?
- What is the Red Square?
- Technically, South Korea and North Korea are at war. How is the Korean war different than in Ukraine?
- What was the Korean was like in the 1950s?
As you listen, try to answer these questions.
You may need to listen more than once.
- Why was Valeria late for the interview?
- Why was she going to her house with her mother?
- Describe Valeria 30 minutes before the interview.
- What does she do when she feels terrible?
- Where does Valeria live?
- What was Valeria doing when the War started?
- When did Russia start their invasion of Ukraine?
- What was Valeria’s plan to get out of Ukraine?
- Can she leave the shelter?
- Where do other people live for safety?
- What does she have in the bomb shelter?
- When did she move to Kyiv?
- How does she feel living with her parents again?
- How often does she leave the bomb shelter?
- Why did she leave the shelter?
- What is shopping like?
- Describe her village nowadays.
- How old is she?
- How are her parents feeling?
- What does she do to feel entertained?
- How does she stay positive?
- What is the popular phrase in Ukraine?
- Do Russian citizens know about the struggles of Ukraine?
- How does she feel about the future?
- What is her message for the world?
Reflect on what you have learned
- If you were trapped in a bomb shelter, how would you entertain yourself?
- Are you grateful that Korea is not a war zone?
- How important is freedom for you?
- What will life be like after the Russo-Ukrainian War?
- What are some small things you did today that Valeria can’t do?
- Identify at least one key issue from this video that you could research more.