Time Flies
Busy Boy
Most people say that time flies when you are having fun. However, I say that time flies when you are really busy. This week I have been working on my other channel (작은 마을) because I need to catch up on my videos. I still have some videos from over two months ago that I need to edit and upload. I also had some time sensitive uploads (cherry blossoms / daffodils) so I did those first. It is crazy to me how fast time flies. My days are so busy with work and my side projects that I rarely have free time for myself. I get bored easily, I guess. From the moment I wake up until about midnight, I am working. I usually have a break during lunch and another one or two hours after I get home from work.
Time flies is an exclamation saying things are happening too quickly. It is a perception of time. Normally, people remark that time flies when they are coming up to an important date. When it is time to renew my contract, I often think that time is moving too fast. This job is weird. It feels slow because there is a lot of work to do. But looking back, I wonder where the time went. Have I been working here for 3.5 years already?
Example: Is it really my birthday again? Wow, time flies.

The phrase, time flies, comes from the Latin proverb, tempus fugit, which means ‘time flees (runs away)’. The Roman author, Virgil (70 – 19BC) used the phrase in his Georgics poems. In the Aeneid, he wrote, “fugit inreparabile tempus.” It translates to, “Time is flying never to return.” A proverb is a way of giving information. It is not meant to be literal. So, what does the phrase mean? Time flies is a reminder that we need to use our time wisely. We only have a certain amount of time on this planet, and we are always running out of time. So, we should not waste our time.
Time flies made its way into English by 1386 when Geoffrey Chaucer used it in the Prologue to the Clerk’s Tale.
Usually, time flies is included in a larger phrase, time flies when you are having fun. Our perception of time changes when we are doing something interesting. Since fun things are engaging, we lose track of the time. I wish time worked in the opposite way. I wish that time would slow down when we are enjoying ourselves and for the boring times to speed up.

Other Uses
You can also use time flies to send a message to other people. Effectiviology suggests 6 ways to use time flies to send a message to others. You can use it…
- When you want to push someone to make a decision or take action quickly.
Example: Are we going to eat dinner together? Time flies, tell me now. - When you want to prompt someone to stop procrastinating on something.
Example: You haven’t started your essay yet and it is due next Friday. What are you waiting for? Time flies! - When you want to get someone to stop focusing on unimportant problems.
Example: Stop thinking about your ex-boyfriend, life is to short and time flies. - When you want to draw someone’s attention to the fact that they’re wasting time.
Example: Why are you making a lesson when you can just download it? Time flies and you could use that time planning a vacation. - When you want to drive someone to figure out what truly matters to them.
Example: You should take that vacation to Antarctica, time flies and you might not be able to do it later. - When you want to encourage someone to appreciate important moments as they’re happening.
Example: Treasure the time with your child. Time flies and soon they will be teenagers that hate you.
See Also: Long time, no see, Ahead of one's time, Time's up, A blast form the past, A shadow of your former self

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