The Trolley Problem
This lesson focuses on the classic psychological test called the trolley problem. In the trolley problem, you have to choose between two bad outcomes. For example, the train will hit you loved one if you don't switch tracks BUT there are ten strangers on the other track. The trolley problem is relevant again because of the rise of self-driving cars. We need to program them to make difficult decisions even though they can't think like humans. We will read an article together. While reading, trainees will have some additional information to add when they see their prompt.
Trainees will take a test that asks a bunch of questions that are slightly different relating to self-driving cars. The language focus in on picking out small differences and how they change meaning. The test that the trainees will do is available here. After we take up the answers for the test, there will be some extra time. We will spend the rest of class playing the Solve the Problem game. In this activity, trainees will offer a solution to an issue presented. Each issue has an interesting and unexpected solution.