Today my friends and I went to Taean to enjoy the ocean and the beautiful weather. It was a sunny day. At first, I forgot to wear my hat and sunscreen, but I remembered after about an hour. So, I put sunscreen on my head, neck, and face. Then, we spent a few hours walking around. Maybe you noticed that I didn’t mention putting sunscreen on my arms and hands. Oops. Now, I have a sunburn.
In Korea, sunscreen is usually called sun cream. It is an acceptable name for it, but if you travel abroad, people might not know what you are talking about. Sunscreen is also known as suntan lotion, suncream, or sunblock. However, sunscreen is by far the most common label.
The first sunscreen was invented by Blake Milton. It was released as a commercial product in 1932, but he had been working on the product since 1922. The first effective sunscreen was developed in 1938. A chemistry student named Franz Greiter got the idea after he got sunburned while climbing a mountain.
The word sunscreen dates to 1738 and refers to an object that blocks the sun’s rays. Using this definition, umbrellas, large hats and veils can be considered forms of sunscreen. The ancient Egyptians used a combination of rice bran, jasmine, and lupine to keep their skin white. Ancient Greeks tried olive oil. And some Native American tribes used a type of pine needle to protect against and alleviate sunburn.
Stay safe and remember to wear sunscreen.
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