I’m usually a very productive person, but I do take time to relax. And for me, watching YouTube gaming channels helps me to relax. It is also where I am introduced to a lot of new language. One word I have heard a lot lately is stonks. For example, apqLIVE used it in his video today:
Stonks is an intentional misspelling of stocks and refers to the stock market. Stonks saw an increase in use this year when GameStop’s stock market value was manipulated. Even Elon musk referenced the phrase in a tweet:
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 26, 2021
In a lot of ways, stonks is used as an exclamation. Stonks originated in 2017 as a meme. A character called Meme Man stands in front of an image representing the stock market. The word stonk is written in white. Stonks began as a way to make fun of poor financial decisions:
Example: I sold my car to buy a bicycle. Stonks!

However, stonks can be used in other ways as well. It can be used in situations where there is an expectation of a large increase in value. It can also be applied to ironic situation or when something is self-defeating. Stonks is usually meant to be humorous or make fun of a situation. It is rarely used in a serious way.
Example (expectation): I just bought box of Pokemon cards. I am going to make stonks.
Example (irony): The police station was robbed. Stonks.
Do you invest in the stonk market? If not, do you have any investments? What is the best investment?
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