IETTP 2020
This is the article I wrote for IETTP 2020(Speaking) IETTP - Speaking 3 (article)
Let's see how much you know about me. We will also examine the weird way we say things in English

Cat Crimes
A puzzle game about prepositions
Mouth Shape
Mouth shape is important for pronunciation. Hearing Things game.

We learn some portmanteaus and make our own. We also learn about animal hybrids.
Explain the Map
All maps are wrong. Find out why. Also, come up with an explaination for the various maps.

Making a list can be fun and interesting.
Solve the Problem
Work as a group to find a solution to unique problems.

Guess the Mystery
There are a lot of mysterious things in the world, but their explaination is often mundane. Can you figure out the mystery.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
We start our journey into rhetoric by looking at the modes of persuasion.

Rhetorical Devices
This series of lessons takes a look at different types of rhetorical devices.
Canons of Rhetoric
While preparing our debates, we will quikcly learn about the canons of rhetoric.

We try a few new technologies for the classroom (apps, VR)
Talking to Games
Here are a few fun games for practicing talking.