English Level:
Content Warning:
Child Neglect, Child Abuse, Racism, Classism
Distracting Background Music, Fast-speaking
I have chosen not to include the definitions here to give you the opportunity to find the information yourself. The information you find this way will stay with you longer. Please take the time to find out the meaning of the vocabulary.
Switch (weapon)
Getting a whipping
Pout / pouting
A period of self-discovery
Giving up a child
Ideal (noun)
Closed (personality)
Letting go
These warmup questions are intended to introduce you to the topic
- Look at Forbes list of the wealthiest people. Where does Oprah Winfrey rank?
- What problems do rich people have?
- Would your life be improved if you had more money than you need?
- Describe your relationship with your mother.
- How many mL are in 10 gallons? How many mL are in 1 pint?
- Who is Bishop TD Jakes?
As you listen, try to answer these questions.
You may need to listen more than once.
- How did Oprah’s relationship with her mother change? When did her mother become interested in her?
- Who would whip her?
- Why couldn’t she sleep inside the house?
- Where did she sleep that first night?
- People criticized her looks a lot. What things did they tell her to change?
- Why did she confront her mother?
- How did she get closure?
- How does Oprah define forgiveness?
Reflect on what you have learned.
- Oprah said that we are defined by the way we treat ourselves and the way we treat other people. Do you agree? How do you define yourself? What do other people think about you?
- What was Bishop TD Jakes talking about with the 10 gallon people and the 10 pint people. How did that affect Oprah?
- Who is a 10 gallon person in your life? Are you the 10 gallon person? Do you wish some people could give more?
- Identify at least one key issue from this video that you could research more.