Off the Table

On the Table

On the table means that something is up for discussion or can be included in a deal.  It alludes to the idea of a negotiation table.  When two people negotiate they put the things they want to trade on the table between them.  An alternative origin is the British legislative system.  Traditionally, any law that was under consideration was placed on a table in the parliament and discussed.  I do not know if a physical copy of the bill is still needed, but the idea of tabling a bill is still used.  That is to say, putting the bill on the table figuratively.

Example:  Thank you for your interest in buying out house.  Right now, we have many offers on the table. 

Off the Table

It appears that the phrase ‘off the table’ may have arisen as the negative of ‘on the table.’  Off the table means that something is not an option.  There are two main ways that this phrase is used.  First, we use it when negotiating.  In this situation, if something is off the table, it will not be included in the deal.  The second way we use this phrase is to say we can’t talk about something.  The phrase may also have come from British legislation.  After a bill is passed or rejected, it is taken “off the table”.  This means that it can no longer be discussed or negotiated.

Example (negotiate):  I can give you my old TV and draw a picture for you, but money is off the table.
Example (talk):  I’m sorry, but talking about men’s rights is off the table. 

Under the Table

Under the table means to do something secretly or unlawfully.  The idea here is that proper deals are put on the table, but if you make a deal under the table, no one can see what is involved in the deal.  These types of deals are often made without the government knowing.  A bribe is often done under the table.

Example:  I wasn’t getting paid much, but I was getting paid under the table, so I didn’t have to pay taxes. 

See AlsoOpen the Floodgates, Beyond the Pale, I'll Tell You What

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