Escape Rooms
This is from a three-hour special lecture on escape rooms. In the first hour I demonstrated escape room concepts by having the participants try an escape room in a box. Since I did this lesson on February 14th, the escape room is based on Valentine's Day. I have uploaded the materials for the escape room, but it will probably be confusing if you don't have the escape room in front of you to test out. Nevertheless, the materials are here and are hopefully helpful to you.
The second hour is about different types of puzzles that you can put in an escape room designed for ESL education. You can see the examples in the downloadable PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint that you can see here is just a sample as the full presentation is too large for the online viewer.
The third hour is a discussion about using escape rooms in class. I go over some of my experiences and some of the challenges that go along with using these rooms. Again, the PowerPoint does not give super detailed explanations as I talk about them in the lecture. You would have to participate in the lecture to know the underlying points. Hopefully, there is enough information for you to make some conclusions on your own.
Escape rooms can be an effective and fun way for students to apply their English skills.
Sample Presentation
This is just a sample of the presentation I used. If you would like to see the whole presentation, please find it in the DOWNLOADS section.