It’s cold in Canada. A toque (alternatively tuque or touque) is what Canadians call a winter hat. You may know this garment as a wool cap, stocking cap, or beanie. The defining detail was a long tassel or pom-pom, but that is no longer required. Now, a toque can refer to any winter hat. The … Read More
I recently reached a milestone on the Duolingo app. I completed 1,000 days of studying consecutively. I must admit that I have been cheating a little bit lately. When I am tired from work, I go back and do the introductory lessons just to keep my streak alive. Is it cheating? A milestone is an … Read More
My friend and I were talking about rhetoric and logical fallacies. One of us brought up cherry-picking. I think it was me. Cherry-picking is when you only use data that helps your point, but you disregard the rest. You only use the best data for your point. Cherry-picking can be found in many logical fallacies. … Read More
I’m usually a very productive person, but I do take time to relax. And for me, watching YouTube gaming channels helps me to relax. It is also where I am introduced to a lot of new language. One word I have heard a lot lately is stonks. For example, apqLIVE used it in his video … Read More
A valediction is a way of ending a conversation or letter. It is a word or phrase to say goodbye. The opposite of valediction is salutation. A valediction can also refer to the speech given at a graduation. There are many types of valediction including goodbye, sincerely, your friend, cordially, etc. Your signature (or printed … Read More
One of my lessons from this past week was about taboo words. I think it is interesting that we make certain vocalizations illegal. Why are certain words so profane? There are many reasons. Words have emotions attached to them from experience and culture. Sometimes the words are associate with taboo subjects. Edmund Leech identified three … Read More
Sometimes I will help out a coworker with a PowerPoint or share some lessons. When I get a coffee, I pass by a lot of coworker computers. As I pass, occasionally I will notice them working on one of my lessons. However, my initial response is to compliment them on how beautiful their PowerPoint is. … Read More
Lit has many meanings. The literal definition is to illuminate or catch on fire. Lit can also be the abbreviation of literature. However, today I want to focus on the newest form of lit: something that is exciting or excellent. Example: This party is lit! This slang meaning of lit dates back to 2004, with … Read More