The Quote Here is a phrase that you will hear English speakers say. It sounds great and logical but isn’t what insanity means. Insanity is the state of being seriously mentally ill. It is a person who can no longer tell the difference between fantasy and real life. It is a legal term. Insanity can … Read More
It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.
How do you feel after accomplishing something? Do you feel really good and happy? Or does that happiness disappear quickly and turn into depression. This has been noticed in athletes, especially Olympic athletes after they finish a goal. Michael Phelps is a famous example. He has been outspoken about his mental health following his retirement … Read More
Idioms, though seemingly mundane, are the fossilized poetry of language.
I came across this while looking up information for yesterday’s post, shit hits the fan. I feel like this represents a lot of what I do here.
The hardest thing about cycling is just leaving the house
Over the past ten years, I have said this to a lot of people. It began as just a statement about cycling. Getting over the mental hurdle and just starting your journey is difficult. With cycling, I need to put on my cycling clothes, oil my bike, fill up water bottles, put on sunscreen, plan … Read More
Beauty Fades but Dumb is Forever
I don’t remember a lot of the things from my 9th grade (1st grade of high school) English class. I don’t even remember the teacher’s name, but I do remember this line from her. I don’t think a teacher should ever say this to her students, but it was memorable. Beauty fades means that over … Read More
In each loss there is a gain, as in every gain there is a loss.
A Warm Smile is the Universal Language of Kindness
Everyone Has a Plan Until They Get Punched in the Mouth
Here is a great quote from Mike Tyson. I have heard this quoted a lot in the last few years. Tyson even came out of retirement last year for a match with Roy Jones Jr. He is considered one of the hardest punchers and scariest boxers of all time. This quote is a perfect summary … Read More