English Level:
Content Warning:
Strong language, Sexual Content, Physical Violence
British Accent, Verbal Ticks
I have chosen not to include the definitions here to give you the opportunity to find the information yourself. The information you find this way will stay with you longer. Please take the time to find out the meaning of the vocabulary.
Wolf whistle
Raise an eyebrow
Beaten unconscious
Attention seeking
Conversation starter
Twitch streamer
These warmup questions are intended to introduce you to the topic
- What is the difference between a verbal tick and a physical tick?
- Why are a lot of verbal ticks swear words?
- In the past, what did people think about Tourette’s or people with Tourette’s syndrome?
- Can you hide Tourette’s?
- What do you think about Twitch streaming?
As you listen, try to answer these questions.
You may need to listen more than once.
- When did her symptoms start?
- How did her wolf whistle affect her mother?
- Why did people raise an eyebrow at her parents?
- Why did she have trouble at regular school?
- How does it affect her personal life?
- When do the ticks go away?
- Does she get ticks when she has sex?
- When did she finally get diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome?
- How did the diagnosis change her life?
- What does she do when she gets into a taxicab?
- What is her job? How does Tourette’s affect her job?
Reflect on what you have learned.
- What ticks did you notice in the video?
- Why does she have scars on her arm?
- What would it be like to be friends with someone with Tourette's?
- How have you gone outside of your comfort zone?
- Why does context matter?
- Do you feel uncomfortable in social situations? What do you do to cope with social anxiety?
- Would you let your children watch her Twitch channel?
- Below is an example of someone with vocal and motor ticks. She is baking a cake with her family. You can see how Tourette's would affect your life.
- Identify at least one key issue from this video that you could research more.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SweetAnita
Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/sweet_anita/profile
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tweet4nita (deleted)