English Level:
Content Warning:
Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse, Drugs, Rape, Prostitutions, Homelessness
I have chosen not to include the definitions here to give you the opportunity to find the information yourself. The information you find this way will stay with you longer. Please take the time to find out the meaning of the vocabulary.
She hasn’t been right since
On the streets (euphemism)
Working the streets (euphemism)
Prone (to doing something)
Baby daddy
Flipping a house
You got this
'Steer me to the right path'
These warmup questions are intended to introduce you to the topic
- There are many euphemisms for prostitution. Research and write down a few.
- What is ecstasy? What effects does it have on a human?
- What is the "fast" life?
As you listen, try to answer these questions.
You may need to listen more than once.
- Tell me about her childhood. Who raise her?
- When did she leave home?
- How much money can she make in a day?
- How did she lose her virginity?
- How much money did her pimp take?
- What choices did she have? What sacrifices did she make?
- What happened a two nights before the interview?
- Why can't she see her baby?
- What is "the game"?
- When did she start hoeing (prostituting)?
- What was her dream?
- What does she mean by a “mouth piece”?
- What is her biggest goal in life?
- How has "the game" changed her?
- What could have changed in her childhood?
Video Player
Reflect on what you have learned.
- How important is a good family structure while growing up.?
- How did she get into prostitution?
- Why did she feel she had to prostitute?
- How much autonomy should a woman have over her own body?
- Does she have children? Should she be allowed to raise her child?
- Describe her experience with being robbed?
- How does prostitution make her feel?
- What is “the game”?
- How did the game change her?
- Sometimes I think the education system is a game. There are certain things we have to do to get results. Maybe we are even playing characters in this game. How is your job a “game”?
- Identify at least one key issue from this video that you could research more.