Lesson 1 - Adaptation
After a short introduction for new students, we learned about what adaptation is.
Students learned how and why some animals have adapted. Specifically, we spent time studying camouflage.

Lesson 2 - Alien Planets
We learned about planets within and beyond our solar system.
We guessed how other species might look on inhabitable planets (we studied Kepler 186f).
Finally, the students received a balloon that they colored. They had to explain what life is like there and how animals adapted to fit the planet.
Lesson 3 - Movie Day
One of the students finished their flower and choose to have a movie day.
We watched "Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space" available on Netflix.
We discussed the video and made tracings of Mutant Pumpkins.
Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space (doc)
faces for tracing (ppt - print and play)

Lesson 4 - Spaceships
We learned just how big space is and what it would be like on a spaceship.
Lesson 5 - Star Wars
We learned about movie trailers and made movie posters.
We didn't have enough time to draw a storm-trooper, but I added it here anyways.
Lesson 6 - Movie Plot
We looked at plot and referred to "Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space" as an example.
We also studied storyboards and tried to make one on our own (it didn't go well, lol)
Plot points for Mutant Pumpkins (doc - Print - Cut - Play)

Lesson 7 - Twisted Tales
We looked at some retellings of old fairy tales and contrasted them with what was expected.
Students put the plot points into acts and learned about points of view.
Lesson 8 - Colors
We studied primary and secondary colors along with shades and patterns.
Students used the information about colors to color and draw clothes.

Lesson 9 - Sizes and Shapes
We learned some new adjectives about size and shape of objects.
Size and Shape (Printouts - ppt)
Lesson 10 - Opinion
We learned what an opinion is and how to express it using adjectives.
Students were also introduced to some opinion adjectives as well as their synonyms.

Lesson 11 - Tardigrades
The students were curious about these creatures from previous lessons, so i decided to devote an entire lesson to these amazing creatures.
We also looked at some animal specific adjectives.

Lesson 12 - Apples to Apples
We played Apples to Apples Big Picture (Amazon Link) using the adjectives we studied.
Here is a random adjective picker for the words we studied (Adjective Picker)
Apples to Apples Big Picture Instructions (ppt)
Lesson 13 - Root Words
We learned what root words are and how to recognize them.

Lesson 14 - Prefixes
We studied a few prefixes and how they change the meaning of words.
Lesson 15 - Halloween Costumes
This was just a fun lesson where the students got to dress up (from my prop box).
The students also got to play Spot It (Amazon Link) and do some worksheets.
I did not make these worksheets, but you can find their source at the bottom.
Halloween Prints (ppt - print and play)

Lesson 16 - Suffixes #1
We looked at three types of 'suffixes'; plural form, past tense, and jobs.
Lesson 17 - Suffixes #2
We looked at several suffix examples (-able, -ible, -ful, -ly, -less) and how they change the meaning of words.

Lesson 18 - Compound Words #1
Students learned about compound words from the popular Pineapple Pen music video.
Students played Junior Enigmages (Amazon Link) to practice compound words.
Lesson 19 - Compound Words #2
We used picture clues to learn about compound words.
Students played a matching game to make compound words.
Compound Words Memory (print and play ppt)

Lesson 20 - The Continents
We reviewed compound words using the memory game and then studied the continents.
Students were also introduced to Pangea and tried to reproduce it in puzzle form.
Lesson 21 - Pangea and Atlantis
We finished off the Pangea lesson and learned a little bit about the Atlantis myth.
We played the Atlantis game, but the kids got a little too crazy.

Lesson 22 - Things from Other Countries
We studied country and region adjectives.
We looked at regional foods (Regional Food Quiz).
Lesson 23 - Things From There
We continued studying country and region adjectives.
Students spent time trying to find places on a map.

Lesson 24 - Seasons Around the World
We looked at how the sun affects climate. We saw how this changes seasons around the world.
Seasons around the world (ppt)
Seasons around the world (doc)
Lesson 25 - The Poles
We took a look at the North and South Poles.
Lesson 26 - Winter Wonderland
Well, it was that time of year. We studied the song, Winter Wonderland.
Winter Wonderland questions (doc)
Winter Wonderland Lyrics (doc)

Lesson 28 - Christmas Party
We just had some fun. I bought a gift and wrapped it a lot. Each student removed a layer until one won the gift.