Lesson 1 - Whoonu
We played the game, Whoonu (Amazon link). This game is a good way for students to get to know each other a little bit.
lesson 1 - whoonu easy (cards)

Lesson 2 - Word Art
Students learned how to classify and categorize objects. Students also worked together to create a mind map about food.
Lesson 3 - Real and Fanciful
We studied the difference between real and imaginary things. We transitioned to taking about fact versus opinion.
Lesson 3 - Real and Fanciful (ppt)
Lesson 3 - Real and Fanciful (doc)

Lesson 4 - Definitions and Examples
We learned the difference between definitions and examples. We played some games relating to this including Jeopardy.
Lesson 4 - definitions and examples (ppt)
Lesson 5 - Outline and Summarize
Students tried summarizing text. This proved to be a little difficult for the students.
I also told the story of the Man Who Wanted a Hamburger, which the students had to summarize.
Finally, we planted some nasturtium seeds.
Lesson 5 – Outline and Summarize (doc)
Lesson 5 – Outline and Summarize (ppt)

Lesson 6 - Review
Students answered some review questions from the first few weeks.
Then, we looked at the different parts of plants.
Lesson 7 - A Plant's Life
We looked at a plant's life cycle and how greenhouses work.

Lesson 8 - Compare and Contrast
We looked at spotting and describing differences between objects. Students also looked for similarities.
lesson 8 - compare and contrast (ppt)
lesson 8 - compare and contrast (doc)
Lesson 9 - Structure
Students learned how to write a proper letter and practiced this by writing an email.
Lesson 9 – Structure (ppt)
Lesson 9 – Structure (doc)

Lesson 10 - Story Structure
We learned about parts of speech and made lists of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Then we played mad libs.
Lesson 10 – Story Structure (ppt)
Lesson 10 – Story Structure (doc)
Lesson 11 - Steps in a Process
Students learned how to put things into an order. They also used steps to start making "Danbo". However, they ran out of time. A few students completed the characters at home for extra credit.
Lesson 11 – Steps in a Process (ppt)

Lesson 12 - Figural Relationships
This day mostly consisted of brain teasers that the students really enjoyed.
Lesson 12 – figural relationships
Lesson 13 - Comparing Word Meanings
We studied synonyms and antonyms. We also looked at discovering a word meaning through context.

Lesson 14 - Identifying Main Ideas
Students learned how to find the most important information from a story or paragraph.
Lesson 15 - Identifying Relationships
We tried some more brain teasers. We also looked at extracting information from context.
Lesson 15 – identifying relationships (ppt)

Lesson 16 - Review
We had a quick review test and played some board games.
Lesson 16 - Unit 2 Assessment Test (ppt)
Lesson 16 - Unit 2 Assessment Test (doc)
Lesson 17 - Ripley's Believe it or Not
We learned about some amazing people and tried to break some records.
Lesson 18 - A Thunderstorm
We read a story about thunderstorms and answers some questions.
We also made our own cloud (there are a number of ways to do this or this way)
Lesson 18 – A Thunderstorm (ppt)
Lesson 19 - Scientists Use Tools
We learned about measuring and describing objects. Each student received a small rock and had to measure, draw and describe it.
Lesson 19 – scientists use tools (ppt)

Lesson 20 - The Moon
We read a story about the moon and learned about lunar cycles and astronauts that have been there.
We also made our own craters. (link)
Lesson 20 - The Moon (doc)
Lesson 21 - Velcro
We learned about the invention of Velcro. Afterwards, we played Velcro Darts.

Lesson 22 - Apples to Apples Day
We learned about different classes of adjectives and played Apples to Apples (Amazon Link).
lesson 22 - Apples to Apples Day
Lesson 23 - More Adjectives
We played a few more games about adjectives. I used the letters from Bananagrams (Amazon Link) and the adjectives from Funglish (Amazon Link) to create a game.

Lesson 24 - Trees
We learned about the main classes of trees and labeled the parts of a tree.
We also made fractal trees.
Lesson 25 - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
We learned a little about space and then read our horoscopes.

Lesson 26 - Magnets
We learned how magnets work and made our own temporary magnets.
Lesson 27 - Moths
We learned about metamorphosis. We also discussed how humans change during their life.
Lesson 27 - Butterflies and Moths (doc)
Lesson 27 - Butterflies and Moths (print)
Lesson 28 - Sound
We studied sound and how it works. We looked at sound waves and how our ears hear.
Lesson 29 - Ordering Objects
Students learned how to put objects into the correct order. They also practiced pattern recognition.
lesson 29 - Ordering Objects (ppt)
lesson 29 - Ordering Objects (doc)

Lesson 30 - Estimating
Students studied and practiced estimating things.
Lesson 31 - Feelings
Students had to draw some new feelings and answer questions based on them.
lesson 31 - feeling handout (doc)

Lesson 32- Inferring
Students learned how to make predictions based on known information.
Students also filled in the blank for cartoons.
Lesson 33 - Idioms
We learned that English is a strange language. Sometimes sentences are not what they appear.