• 2015 (Spring)


Lesson 1 - Introduction and Boggle

There were a few new students, so I told them about the reward system.  Then we played boggle (Amazon Link).

Lesson 1 - Introduction and game



Lesson 2 - World Map

We studied country flags and names.

Lesson 2 – The World Map (ppt)

Lesson 2 – flag crossword  (doc)



Lesson 3 - Emails

Our school decided to join a pen pal program with a school in Singapore.  So, I taught the students about how to write an email. Students practiced writing emails.

Lesson 3 - how to write an email (doc)

Lesson 3 - how to write an email  (doc)





Lesson 4 - Video Message

Students brainstormed ideas on what they wanted to say to the Singapore students.  Due to privacy regulations at my school, I can't share it here. 

 Lesson 4 - Video

Lesson 5 - Culture

We studied different aspects of culture and made a mind map about Korean culture.

Lesson 5 - Culture (ppt)

lesson 5 - Culture (doc)


Lesson 6 - Food Culture

We looked at traditional foods from around the globe.  We specifically looked at Singapore's cuisine. 

 Lesson 6 – food culture (ppt)

lesson 6 - The culture of Food (doc)


Lesson 7 - Thanksgiving 

We compared Chuseok to Western Thanksgiving. 

lesson 7 - Thanksgiving (ppt)

lesson 7 - Thanksgiving (pdf)



Lesson 8 - Famous For

We looked at what countries are famous for and then got some ideas for sending a gift box to Singapore. 

Lesson 8 – Famous For (ppt)

lesson 8 - Famous For (doc)


Lesson 9 - Autumn Adjectives

Students learned about some objects related to fall and how to describe them.  We played some adjective games.

lesson 9 - Autumn Adjectives (ppt)

lesson 9 - Autumn Adjectives (pdf)


Lesson 10 - Adjective Games

Students studied how prefixes and suffixes can change the meaning of adjectives.  We played Apples to Apples Jr (Amazon Link)

 Lesson 10 – Adjective Games


Lesson 11 - People Adjectives

We learned how to describe people.  We played Guess Who (Amazon Link

Lesson 11 - Adjectives for People

Lesson 11 – Scattegories 


Lesson 13 - er

We studied the suffix, "-er" 

Lesson 12 – er (ppt)

lesson 12 - er list (doc)


Lesson 14 - Date and Time

Not sure what happened to this lesson...

Lesson 13 – Date and Time




Lesson 14 - Pumpkin Carving

Students used black and orange paper to make their own jack-o-lanterns.

Lesson 14 - Pumpkin Carving (ppt)

lesson 14 - Pumpkin Carving (doc)


Lesson 15 - History of Halloween

We talked about the history of Halloween. 

Lesson 15 - History of Halloween 




Lesson 16 - Halloween History

 Students learned a little about the history of Halloween celebrations.  Then we played a flash game about Halloween for fun (link). 


Lesson 16 - Halloween  (ppt)

Lesson 16 - History of Halloween (doc)

 lesson 16 - Halloween coloring book


Lesson 17 - Three Billy Goats Gruff

We read Three Billy Goats Gruff and studied comparatives and superlatives as well as intonation. 

lesson 17 - Three Billy-Goats Gruff (ppt)

lesson 17 - Three Billy-Goats Gruff (doc)



Lesson 18 - Goats Gruff Game

We read the story again and played a homemade game related to Billy Goats Gruff. 

 lesson 18 - Goats Gruff Game


Lesson 19 - Red Riding Hood

We read Red Riding Hood and answered some questions.  Students also had to arrange the story board before hearing it. 

lesson 19 - Red Riding Hood

lesson 19 - red riding hood story order



Lesson 20 -  Red Riding Hood Again

We looked at other aspects of the story and even wrote our own stories.  We also played a guessing game. 

Lesson 20 - Red Riding Hood Again 

Lesson 21 - The Big Bad Wolf

We looked at what can be found in 'the woods' and focused on wolves.  Then we read the three little pigs story (link). 


Lesson 21 - Into the Woods (ppt)

lesson 21 - big bad wolf (doc)


Lesson 22 - Three Little Pig Houses

We looked at making blueprints.  Students also made their own blueprints.

 lesson 22 - Little Pig Houses (ppt)

lesson 22 - Little Pig Houses (doc)


Lesson 23 - Three Little Pig Analysis

We finished our blueprints and played a game with them.  We analyzed the story and looked for the real problems and made solutions.  We played a hidden objects game on the smart pads. . 

 Lesson 23 - Three Little Pig Analysis




Lesson 24 - Moral of the Story

Students attempted to come up with morals from famous stories.  We watched a video about Chicken Little.

 Lesson 24 - The Moral of the Story


Lesson 25 - The Royal Family

First we looked at Disney prince and princesses.  Then we studied some jobs from medieval times.  I had prepared "Love Letter" (Amazon Link) but I dont think we got to it. 

Lesson 25 – The Royal Family

lesson 25 - The Royal Family (doc)

lesson 25 - Medieval Jobs (doc)





Lesson 26 - Castles and Knights

Students learned about the fighters and their weaponry of medieval times.  Students even made their own miniature catapults. 

 Lesson 26 - Castles and Knights


Lesson 26a - War Games

I don't think I actually did this lesson with the students.  I made a DnD style game to simulate a siege. 

Lesson 26a - War Games

lesson 26a - Siege Game (dnd)



Lesson 27 - A Knight's Tale

Students learned about the life of knights.  Then they created their own 'champion' for a dice rolling game.

 Lesson 27 - A Knight’s Tale

lesson 27 - Champion Game

lesson 27 - knights_crossword-1

lesson 27 - knights_vocabulary-1


Lesson 28 - King Arthur

We read a story (link) and answered some questions about King Arthur. 

Lesson 28 - King Arthur


Lesson 29 - Christmas Wish List

We had some fun as it was the last class before Christmas.  We played some games and did some activities. 

 Lesson 29 - Christmas Wish List