• 2015 After School Classes



Concepts in Language  (Lesson 1 – 6): 

I did not know what to title this.  My coworker asked me to teach after school class based on a book she gave me.  For the life of me, I can't find it now.  Should i find it, I will post a link. Students learned how to group items, know the difference between reality and fantasy, the difference between examples and definitions, and how to outline and summarize short stories.


Structure (Lesson 7 – 11): 

Student began growing their own nasturtium plants, so we learned a little about that before getting back to the book.  The students studied comparisons, story structure, email structure and how to put things in order. 


Relationships (Lesson 12 – 16): 

This was a more abstract section of the text, with students trying their hands at figural relationships and brain teasers.  We also looked at synonyms and antonyms as well as how to identify main ideas.


Science (Lesson 17 – 21): 

We switched to another textbook (link).  This one is focuses on elementary science.  We tried breaking some world records while looking at Ripley's Believe it or Not.  We did a few experiments which included making a cloud, and caters.  Students also got to use some basic scientific tools to make observation and record them.  Overall, I think the students had fun with this.


Adjectives (Lesson 22 – 23): 

We took a break from hard studying to play some games related to adjectives. 


Nature Around Us (Lesson 24 – 28): 

We continues with the science textbook (link) and looked at a variety of topics.  These included; trees, stars, magnets, moths, and sound. 


Grab Bag (Lesson 29 - 33):

After a long semester, we finished off with a few lessons from the first textbook (ordering objects,estimating, inferring).  But we also did a couple lessons on feelings and idioms. 




Culture (Lesson 1 – 8): 

In this semester, our class was chosen to participate in a pen pal program with a school in Singapore.  A lot of the material in this first section is related to that.  Unfortunately, things did not work out as well as we had hoped.  The Singapore school rarely responded and by the end of the semester, it seemed like that was the end of the program. 


Adjectives (Lesson 9 – 13): 

It's always fun to play adjective games.  My students really enjoy Big Picture Apples to Apples (link). 


Halloween (Lesson 14– 16): 

We did a mini unit on Halloween.  We made Jack-o-Lanterns from paper, did some activities and learned about the history of Halloween. 


Fairy Tales  (Lesson 17 - 24): 

In this unit we studied some fairy tales:  Billy Goats Gruff, Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, and Chicken Little.  These were jumping off points to study superlatives, story boards, blueprints, and morals. 


The Middle Ages  (Lesson 25– 28): 

In this unit, we looked at some medieval jobs and nobility.  We learned about castles and knights and even had our own DnD style fight.  We also took a quick look at the legend of King Arthur. 


Christmas Party  (Lesson 29): 

We finished off the year with a Christmas party.