English Level:
Content Warning:
Suicide, Self-harm, Depression
I have chosen not to include the definitions here to give you the opportunity to find the information yourself. The information you find this way will stay with you longer. Please take the time to find out the meaning of the vocabulary.
Instant regret
Crying my eyes out
A wave of emotion
(Glass) Shards
Close to the chest
Road to recovery
Sea lion
These warmup questions are intended to introduce you to the topic
- Which countries have the highest suicide rate?
- What makes you sad?
- List some ways to commit suicide that you know about.
- Where is the most popular (famous) place to commit suicide?
- Why do we say commit suicide and not doing a suicide / suiciding?
- How tall is 4ft in cm?
- How far is 75ft in meters?
As you listen, try to answer these questions.
You may need to listen more than once.
- What is it like to jump off the golden gate bridge?
- How does teen suicide compare to other major causes of death?
- What did Kevin want to happen before he got off the bridge?
- What did the bus driver / other passengers say?
- How long does it take to fall?
- What did he think after he jumped?
- How did his father treat him?
- What was beneath him? How did it save him?
- What did they do at the police station? Why?
Video Player
Reflect on what you have learned.
- Have you ever been depressed?
- Why did he jump off the bridge?
- What phrase did he keep repeating?
- Describe the relationship with his father?
- How did he describe crying?
- What is a support network? How can you build a support network? Who is in your support network?
- Are you strong enough to ask for help?
- Identify at least one key issue from this video that you could research more.